About Friends Sanctuary

Friends Sanctuary is a not for profit sanctuary dedicated to rescued farmed animals as well as wildlife rehabilitation. Our mission is to pursue the following charitable purposes:

      • Creating an animal sanctuary to educate, prevent or relieve the suffering of all animals by providing rescue and rehabilitation services, with the goal of rehoming these animals in a timely manner; 

      • Education about animal protection and well-being ; 

      • Education of public about cruelty free lifestyle choices;

      • Fundraising for Education purposes

      • Networking with other animal welfare charities;

      • Provision of cruelty free placements for veterinary science students, veterinary nurses; and environmental science students.

      • Undertaking other Education activities in connection with the above.

    Watch our videos below to see our sanctuary, volunteers and lovely residents:


    Friends Sanctuary is situated in Australia.

    The resident animals value their privacy, safety and quietness.


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